Working in Rounds
1. To work in rounds make 3 or more chains (the exact number depends on the design) and join them into a ring by inserting the hook into the first of them and making a slip stitch (Fig.116).

2. To begin each round make a ‘starting chain’ (the equivalent of a ‘turning chain’ - see above) to match the height of the stitches of the round. Insert the hook always into the centre of the base chain ring to work the stitches of the first round (Fig.117).

3. From the second round insert the hook under the top 2 loops of the stitches in the previous round, unless otherwise directed (Fig.118).

4. When each round is complete insert the hook into the top of the starting chain and make a slipstitch to join the round (Fig.119).

Note: Unless otherwise specified, do not turn the work between rounds, but continue with the same side facing and treat this as the ‘right side’ of the fabric. To fasten off after making the slipstitch, which completes a round, do not make another chain.
1. Cut the yarn and draw the end through to the front (Fig.120).

2. Insert the hook again from the back through the place in the fabric where the slip stitch was worked (but not through the slip stitch loop itself) and draw the end of the yarn once again through to the back. (Fig.121). Tighten gently

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